Registration for the X Summer School on Human Rights

Registration for the X Summer School on Human Rights

16.06.2024 Views: 220
Registration for the X Summer School on Human Rights

The X Summer School on Human Rights “Digital Space and Human Rights” will take place on July 1-4, 2024. This year the school is being held online.

The summer school is held within the framework of the interuniversity Master's program "International Protection of Human Rights", successfully implemented by the Consortium of Russian Universities with the support of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The organizer of the Summer School is the Ural State Law University named after V. F. Yakovlev.

The summer school will be an intensive interdisciplinary practice-oriented training program aimed at expanding students' knowledge of human rights in the digital age, the impact of new technologies and especially artificial intelligence on human rights ; forms of global digital cooperation in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals while addressing socio-economic rights.

The Summer School includes plenary lectures, practical classes, and discussions. When planning modules for developing practical skills, special attention is paid to the involvement of experts and practitioners from civil society, business and international organizations.

To participate in the Summer School you must fill out registration form until June 25, 2024 inclusive.

Source: website of the Ural State Law University

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