The Consortium Alumni Club assumes the association of graduates that have successfully completed the programs, presented by the Consortium universities, in order to consolidate around the idea of the Consortium of like-minded people willing to keep in touch with each other and with their alma mater, those willing and able to contribute to the full and comprehensive development of the Consortium, expanding its contacts and connections, as well as to attract new students to the Consortium programs.

Coordination and consolidation of graduates into a single network will make it possible to promote the idea and educational programs of the Consortium, expand the constituencies, both in Russia and abroad, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the programs presented, monitor the success of graduates in their careers and use the opportunities of graduates in promoting the Consortium brand in the international community.

The first stage of development of the Association is the creation of a webpage (section) on the Consortium's web portal (with registration option and online communication of graduates) and on social networks.

The second stage is the creation and maintenance of a base of alumni (with the possibility of inviting them to events of the Consortium with the view to establish closer contacts with them, track their career growth, which occurs thanks to the knowledge they received through studying in the Consortium programs.

The third stage is a graduate’s personal interactive account. A graduate should be able to register online for the Consortium events, and the functionality of the personal account should be supplied with the ability to communicate with other graduates and teachers, which will preserve the traditions and culture of friendly relations between students and teachers.

The fourth stage is the alumni reunion. Holding regular alumni reunions at international venues, and not limited to their own universities. Preparation and invitation for participation of the Consortium graduates as mentors and advisors for students and trainees.

The main activities of the Association are:

  • organization of alumni reunions;
  • assistance in employment for young graduates;
  • creation of mechanisms for constant communication and professional interaction of different year graduates;
  • promotion and strengthening of the positive image of the Consortium.