A master's student from the Faculty of Law of the Humanitarian University will undergo an internship in the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation

A master's student from the Faculty of Law of the Humanitarian University will undergo an internship in the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation

18.07.2024 Views: 61
A master's student from the Faculty of Law of the Humanitarian University will undergo an internship in the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation

Master student from the Faculty of Law Valeria Frants will undergo a two-month internship in the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation in Moscow. The internship will take place from July 15 to September 15 in the Department of International Bilateral Cooperation of the Office.

The Russian Interuniversity Consortium on Human Rights provided Valeria and other master’s students from all over Russia with this opportunity. Every year, the Consortium holds a competition for internships in organizations whose activities are related to human rights issues. This year, participants were offered internships in the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation or the Russian Red Cross.

To participate in the competition, it was necessary to fill out a questionnaire and prepare a motivation letter about the goals of the applicant’s cooperation with the organization. Valeria became a finalist of this competition among three students from Yekaterinburg. Together with her, first-year master's students from the Ural State Law University named after. V.F. Yakovleva Anastasia Umnyakova and Ekaterina Fedotova.

Master student from the Faculty of Law Valeria Frants will undergo a two-month internship in the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation in Moscow.

Interns will work on the creation and translation of documents within the framework of international bilateral cooperation of the Apparatus, participation in major international events and their preparation.

“We have already received our first assignments and from the first days we realized that the internship would be exciting and useful. The staff of the Apparatus is happy to share their knowledge with us, support and help us adapt to new activities. We are grateful to the Consortium for the opportunity to immerse ourselves so deeply into the world of human rights protection,” Valeria shared her impressions.

In the photo - Head of the Department of International Bilateral Cooperation of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation V.E. Tolmachev, master's students from Ural State Law University named after. V.F. Yakovleva and Valeria Frants, first-year master's student at the Faculty of Law of the Humanitarian University

Source: website of the Humanitarian University

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