Lecture hall on human rights for masters

Lecture hall on human rights for masters

09.11.2021 Views: 626
Lecture hall on human rights for masters

Masters of the Faculty of Law of the Humanitarian University took part in the next meeting within the framework of the lecture hall of the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation for the universities of the consortium. The speech of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the HRO in the Russian Federation) Tatiana Nikolaevna Moskalkova was, as usual, not only informative, but also very inspiring. Tatyana Nikolaevna singled out the opportunity for any citizen of the Russian Federation to become her successor, the next Commissioner for Human Rights. The lecturer insisted on the need for every person to know their rights and the mechanisms for their protection - this is the educational mission that professional lawyers should fulfill in the name of the common good.

This year, the HRC RF was once again accredited by the sub-committee of the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), once again confirming the highest status among human rights organizations and full compliance with international human rights principles, including the latest Vienna Principles 2019.

During the lecture, the topics of the role and place of the Ombudsman in the system of law enforcement agencies, the significance of the specialization of various areas of work of the Ombudsman's office, as well as the relevance of expanding the powers of the HRO against the backdrop of global events related to the Covid-19 epidemic were also covered.

The lawmaking function of the ombudsman was named by Tatyana Nikolaevna as one of the main ones: over the past 5 years, three hundred legislative projects have been proposed related to the systemic nature of incoming complaints about human rights violations. So it was possible to achieve the transfer of the content of prisoners in the colonies closest to the place of residence, which greatly facilitates the possibility of contact with relatives and relatives.
Of the current topics and events for the work of the HRC, Covid-19 remains the main one. To optimize the process, a hotline was organized (12,439 calls in 2021), a video conference practice, remote complaint handling, as well as special programs for youth.
The main topics of appeals during this period were issues related to restrictions: public statements, protests and international agreements, the current trend of violation of which can lead to dangerous consequences. In order to prevent a human rights crisis, it is necessary to implement international norms into the system of national legislation.

Answering the questions of the audience, Tatyana Nikolaevna stated that the national legislation does not have time to adapt to the needs of society related to the digitalization of life, this is directly related to the lack of specialists in information rights. The Commissioner's concluding thought concerned the importance of delegating authority from other human rights structures in order to maximize the effectiveness of the work of the HRO as a national preventive mechanism. Any state must respect a person, no matter what position he is in, the right to respect and dignity is something that needs to be strived for and put into practice right now.

The text and photo for the site were prepared by Elena Sukhinina, 2nd year full-time undergraduate student of the Faculty of Law of the State University

Source: https://gu-ural.ru/2021/11/lektorij-po-pravam-cheloveka-dlya-magistrov/

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